My family is a big part of my life and we love to spend time together!
In January 2018, my stepdad had a major heart attack that almost took his life. This event brought our family closer than ever because it really put into perspective how life can change in an instant. Because of this we decided to spend more time together as a family and enjoy each others’ company, so we began doing Sunday Family Lunches after church. So each Sunday a family member took turn cooking and hosting lunch, and we all gathered to eat, play games, talk, and watch TV. And since we spent a lot of time together, we decided to try out a family trip with everyone!
After much discussion and planning, we decided to go to Cabo San Lucas in the tip of Mexico’s Baja California peninsula. We planned our trip for June 2019 and all 13 of us embarked on our first family trip!

The goal for this trip was to spend some time together, enjoy the sun, beach and pool, and relax.
We stayed in the hotel Reflect Crystal Grand Los Cabos from June 18 to June 24. We each stayed in separate rooms but would basically spend all day together doing different activities and eating at the different restaurants the hotel had to offer.
One day we ventured out of the hotel and visited Playa Chileno, a beautiful family friendly beach. We spent most of the day swimming, tanning, walking around the beach, and enjoying some really necessary time in the sun!
We also took a day trip to the center of Los Cabos, were we walked around the town, visited different shops, and explored a market. It was a beautiful day to shop, walk around, and find some really good food to try!
Overall, this trip was a great opportunity to spend quality time as a family and explore a place together. We have now decided to take more trips together in the future and I can’t wait!